Sport Medicine Physicians

Acute Injury Clinic

The Acute Injury Clinic at BSM was designed to provide faster and more direct access to an experienced sport medicine team for the assessment, diagnosis, and management of an acute (new) injury.

Patients are able to “self-refer” to the clinic, which means a referral from a family physician or emergency room doctor is not required.

Is my injury appropriate?

Not all injuries can be seen in this clinic.

Please read the following guidelines before calling the clinic to book an appointment.

  • Injury must have occurred within the last 10 days
  • Injury must be a new injury, and not an existing one (cannot be a flare up of a prior condition)
  • Clinicians at the AIC do not assess fractures
  • Sport Medicine does not assess injuries involving the spine, neck, or back. Please see your family physician for appropriate care if your injury involves these areas

If your injury occurred outside of the last 10 days, or is a chronic or pre-existing injury, you will need a referral from a family physician to see one of the sport medicine physicians as these injuries are more complex and cannot be managed in this acute injury clinic.

Alternatively, you can book an appointment with one of our physiotherapists for any joint injury including the neck, back or spine without needing a referral. 

Appointment Information

Book An Appointment

To book an appointment, call 403 760 2897 ext 3

When Can I Access The Acute Injury Clinic?

Once you call the BSM Clinic and are deemed suitable to attend the Acute Injury Clinic, you will be booked into a time slot for the next weekly clinic.

Do I Need A Referral?

No. You can access BSM’s Acute Injury Clinic without a formal referral from your family physician.

However, if your injury occurred outside of the last 10 days, or is a chronic or pre-existing injury, you will need a referral from a family physician to see one of the sport medicine physicians as these injuries are more complex and cannot be managed in this acute injury clinic.

What Can I Expect During My Appointment?

When you arrive, you will first see a physiotherapist who will gather the history of your injury and perform an initial assessment. You will then be seen by a sport medicine physician.

After your assessment, arrangements will be made for any of the following as deemed necessary:

  • Imaging – to be done at Guardian Radiology down the hallway
  • Ongoing care by a sport medicine physician
  • Referral to physiotherapy
  • Referral to an orthotist for bracing
  • Referral to an orthopaedic surgeon

Expect to be at the Clinic for 45 – 60 minutes.

What Is The Cost?

There is no cost for you to attend the Acute Injury Clinic as the appointment with a sport medicine physician is covered by Alberta Health Services. If you do not have valid healthcare, you will be expected to pay for this appointment.

If you need a brace, cast, sling, or crutches etc, you will be able to purchase these items at BSM.

In addition, if you are unable to attend your scheduled appointment and do not provide 24-hours notice, or you miss your appointment with no explanation, a cancellation fee of $50 may be charged.