
Equipment Rental Program

At the Banff Sport Medicine Clinic, patients can now rent medical equipment that can help during your recovery from injury or surgery.

For any questions related to this program, please email our Bracing Team here.

Cold Therapy Units

Cold therapy is used as part of rehabilitation after knee, shoulder and ankle surgeries, such as arthroscopy, anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction, shoulder reconstruction or rotator cuff repair.

Cold therapy slows down the blood flow to an injured area.

Research has proven cold therapy decreases pain, inflammation, swelling, blood loss, and narcotic use after surgery.

Cold Therapy Information

Rental Program Information

Cold Therapy Units (Kodiak and Polar Care Wave) are available for rent with the purchase of the required pad attachments.

Each unit can be rented for a period of:

  • 1 month – $75 (+ pad attachment purchase*)
  • 3 months – $150 (+ pad attachment purchase*)

To reserve a Cold Therapy Unit, please e-mail the Bracing Team with the following details:

  1. Full Name
  2. Type of surgery e.g. ACL reconstruction, arthroscopy, MPFL reconstruction
  3. Date of surgery and when you would like to start rental
  4. Desired rental term

Additional Information

Rental Agreement

*See Rental Agreement for details of pad attachment costs for the Kodiak and Polar Care Wave units respectively

Knee Scooter

Rental Program Information

The Medline All Terrain Knee Walker is available to rent for a period of:

  • 1 week – $60
  • 4 weeks – $150
  • 6 weeks – $200

To reserve a knee walker, please e-mail the Bracing Team with the following details:

  1. Full Name
  2. When you would like to start rental
  3. Desired rental term

Additional Information

Rental Agreement

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